Northwest Folklife is a 501(c)(3) heritage organization that celebrates the diverse tapestry of arts, cultures, and traditions emanating from a global Pacific Northwest. Since 1971, NW Folklife's work has been rooted in the shared humanity of connection and creative expression and is driven by intergenerational, intercultural experiences. Our staff collaborates with more than 100 Community Coordinators—including respected artists, educators, tradition bearers, and cultural leaders throughout the region— to envision, sow, and nurture collective opportunities, including the 53-year-old Northwest Folklife Festival, our Annual Cultural Focus (2024 -"Meraki"), the Cultural & Creative Workforce Development Program, Youth Engagement through Arts and Heritage (Y.E.A.H) program, and Our Big Neighborhood partnerships. Our programming continues to expand and evolve, reclaiming "folk" as the vibrant, wise, and present future that resides in all of us.